Monday, May 09, 2005

Science at Nasa
Moon Water
Some researchers believe there's water on the Moon in reach of human explorers.
Solar Eclipse
On April 8th in North America crescent-shaped sunbeams will dapple the ground during a partial solar eclipse.
Picking on Einstein
NASA's Gravity Probe B spacecraft aims to confirm Einstein's theory of relativity ... or provide the first evidence against it.
Was Einstein a Space Alien?
One hundred years ago, Albert Einstein stunned physicists with his out-of-this-world ideas.
Cutting Edge Physics
Nobel laureates and other top scientists will talk to the public next month about the mind-boggling frontiers of modern physics.
En Route to Mars, the Moon
Why colonize the Moon before going to Mars? NASA scientists give their reasons.
Science@NASA ... to go
A new "podcast" puts audio recordings of NASA science news articles into your pocket MP3 player.
The Sands of Mars
Driving, digging, mining: these are things astronauts will be doing one day in the sands of Mars. It's not as simple as it sounds.
Ultrasound for Astronauts
Far away from doctors and hospitals, astronauts in space are learning to give themselves checkups using ultrasound.
Blue Skies on Saturn
NASA's Cassini spacecraft has discovered another world with blue skies: Saturn.


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