Friday, September 02, 2005

Science at Nasa
Sunset Planets
Venus, Jupiter and the Moon are gathering for a beautiful sunset sky show.
Moon Tennis
Humans are heading back to the Moon. Tennis, anyone?
Crackling Planets
Astronauts on the Moon and Mars are going to have to cope with an uncommon amount of static electricity.
Floating Back to School
High school students and teachers are going to get a taste of astronaut training this fall. Would you like to join them?
The 2005 Perseid Meteor Shower
Mars joins the Perseid meteor shower for a beautiful display on August 12th.
Prozac for Plants
How do you get plants to grow on Mars? Step one: relieve their anxiety.
10th Planet Discovered
Astronomers have found a new world bigger than Pluto in the outer reaches of the solar system.
The Next Giant Leap
The next big thing is small: Nanotechnology could lead to radical improvements for space exploration.
Deep Impact
On the July 4, a NASA spacecraft will blast a hole in Comet Tempel 1.
Deep Impact
On the July 4, a NASA spacecraft will blast a hole in Comet Tempel 1.


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