Friday, December 09, 2005

Nasa Breaking News
NASA Signs Technology Agreement With Homeland Security
NASA and the Department of Homeland Security signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate and coordinate on appropriate research and development projects.
Aura Satellite Peers Into Earth's Ozone Hole
This year's ozone hole measured 9.4 million square miles at its peak between September and mid-October, which was slightly larger than last year's peak.
NASA Awards Washington Propulsion Research Grant
NASA's Science Mission Directorate has selected the Aerojet Redmond Rocket Center, Redmond, Wash., for a grant to develop advanced propulsion technologies for use beyond Earth orbit.
Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report: E05-020
The Atlas V was successfully tested yesterday during a launch pad "Wet Dress Rehearsal."
Cassini Images Reveal Evidence of Active Moon
Jets of fine, icy particles streaming from Saturn's moon Enceladus were captured in images from Cassini, providing unambiguous evidence the moon is geologically active.
NASA's Mars Rovers Continue to Explore
The geological information both rovers collected increased evidence about ancient Martian environments including periods of wet, possibly habitable conditions.
View of the Upper Atmosphere
Scientists from NASA and the National Science Foundation discovered a way to combine ground and space observations to create an unprecedented view of upper atmosphere disturbances during space storms.
NASA News Events at the AGU Meeting
NASA researchers will meet with the media at the 2005 Annual Fall meeting of the AGU. All news conferences are in the press briefing room.
NASA Announces AGU Presentations
NASA researchers will present findingson a variety of Earth and space science topics at the 2005 Annual Fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union.
NASA Announces Telerobotic Competition
The Telerobotic Construction Challenge competition will award $250,000 to develop technologies enabling robots to perform complex tasks with minimal human intervention.


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