Friday, July 01, 2005

Science at Nasa
Spectacular Conjunction
Mercury, Venus and Saturn are converging for a spectacular close encounter this weekend.
Approaching Mars
Earth and Mars will have a breathtaking close encounter in October 2005.
Summer Moon Illusion
The lowest-hanging full moon in 18 years is going to play tricks on you this week.
NASA-supported sleep researchers are learning new and surprising things about naps.
A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Moon
Humans will need more precise maps when they return to the Moon.
Was Einstein a Space Alien?
One hundred years ago, Albert Einstein stunned physicists with his out-of-this-world ideas.
Mysterious Cancer
Researchers agree that space radiation can cause cancer. They're just not sure how.
Moon Water
Some researchers believe there's water on the Moon in reach of human explorers.
Solar Eclipse
On April 8th in North America crescent-shaped sunbeams will dapple the ground during a partial solar eclipse.
Picking on Einstein
NASA's Gravity Probe B spacecraft aims to confirm Einstein's theory of relativity ... or provide the first evidence against it.


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